



Grâce à la convention de concession signée en 2013 entre l’Etat de Côte d’Ivoire et les actionnaires Africa Global Logistics et APM Terminals, l’entreprise Côte d’Ivoire Terminal devient le concessionnaire du second Terminal à conteneurs du port d’Abidjan.

As the first transhipment terminal in the Port of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire Terminal will increase trade in the sub-region and contribute to the dynamism of Côte d'Ivoire/Burkina Faso/Mali corridors, and support an increase in maritime cargo traffic in Côte d'Ivoire and the sub-region. The Company will also provide its expertise in logistics and global trade.

As a major player in the development of Côte d'Ivoire and the sub-region, the ambition of Côte d'Ivoire Terminal is to be an innovative, attractive and efficient company; leader in terms of customer service, ports management and efficient operation.

A sustainable development policy

The sustainable development policy of Côte d'Ivoire Terminal is composed of 4 essential aspects: care of the environment, be social and responsible, respect governance and help the economy fare well. Several environmental impact assessments were conducted before the construction of the terminal and outcome and findings were incorporated in the decision of the terminal with the aim to reduce the carbon footprint of its activities.

The Company has also ordered in 2020, as part of its environmental policy, 36 electrically powered terminal tractors. In addition, Côte d'Ivoire Terminal will implement digitized solutions to ease operations and reduce physical movements at the terminal, and at its release offices.

Dans le cadre son approche environnementale, Côte d’Ivoire Terminal est engagé dans un processus de labellisation GREEN TERMINAL, mis en place par Africa Global Logistics, à travers l’accompagnement de BUREAU VERITAS. Ce label est applicable à tous les nouveaux terminaux opérés par AGL et à ceux ayant fait l’objet d’une modernisation ou d’une extension.

The Green Terminal label will further the actions undertaken under our CSR strategy, with the objective of going largely beyond the ISO 14001 standard. This process was officially launched Sustainable Development Our Compliance Policy in June 2021, after several months of in-depth studies to refine the methodology, with the support of local teams, all throughout the Bolloré network.

The certification process aims to implement a unique environmental management system that integrates environmental, social and governmental issues, in order to reduce significantly the carbon footprint of its activities.

The Green Terminal certification process, is based on a scoring principle that gives access to 4 levels of certification with a minimum of 50% achievement. Within the framework of the process, on a yearly basis, Côte d'Ivoire Terminal will be audited by Bureau Véritas and will receive a compliance certificate afterwards.

In addition, Côte d'Ivoire Terminal will be awarded EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiency) certification for its administrative and maintenance buildings and a triple QSE certification ISO 9001; 14001 and 45001 will be obtained in its first year of operations.


The second container terminal uses state-of-the-art technology. Innovations are characterized by the implementation of an internationally recognised Navis® terminal operating system (TOS), allowing for systems management of gates with latest generation technology using optical character recognition, biometric sensors, and automatic gates.

Côte d’Ivoire Terminal will deploy a vehicle booking system (VBS) for truck appointments at the terminal. Another innovation is the remote and computerized management and control of reefer containers pre-set at their ideal temperature.

The terminal is fully equipped with electrically powered container handling and transportation equipment, ship to shore gantry cranes, yard cranes and terminal tractors. Objective: reduction of CO2 emissions and noise disturbance.

Customers will enjoy digitized cargo release, and online billing and payment facilities.

Le Projet

Après un appel d’offres international le consortium Africa Global Logistics et APM Terminals s’est vu confier la construction et la gestion du 2ème terminal à conteneurs du Port d’Abidjan.

Grâce à un investissement de plus de 262 milliards de FCFA,  Côte d’Ivoire Terminal dispose d’une superficie de 37,5 hectares, 16 mètres de tirant d’eau et 1 100 mètres de quais. Ce nouveau terminal à conteneurs, inauguré le 02 décembre 2022, est capable de traiter plus d’1,5 millions de conteneurs EVP par an .

It will generate 450 direct jobs, and thousands of indirect jobs.

It will contribute to the development of skills and to the training of the Ivorian youth to the port professions and to the handling of last generation equipment.


invested, 400
million euros


or more than 1.5 million
conteneurs EVP/an

dock gantries

13 park gantries and
36 tractors, all electric

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